Parent Alert: Are taxpayer funded family planning services coming to a school near you?

Parent Alert: Are taxpayer funded family planning services coming to a school near you?

Girls in Washington state, from sixth grade and up, can take advantage of their school’s family planning services without their parents’ consent. has followed the establishment of on-site health clinics in public schools in certain pro-choice states like California and Washington. These clinics offer a range of health services to young students.

In a 2012 article, Planned Parenthood connected with the Los Angeles Public School District to set up these clinics, and this month, reported 13 public middle and high schools in the Seattle area are offering, in some cases without parental consent, young girls several birth control options, among them IUDs and implants.

According to The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), 

Intrauterine devices and contraceptive implants, also called long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), are the most effective reversible contraceptives. The major advantage of LARCs compared with other reversible contraceptive methods is that they do not require ongoing effort on the part of the user for long-term and effective use. In addition, return of fertility is rapid after the removal of the device

ACOG’s October 2012 Committee Opinion document states:

Confidentiality is of particular importance to adolescents. In many states, adolescents have the right to receive confidential contraceptive services without parental consent, and health care providers should be familiar with laws concerning provision of contraception to minors in their own states.

Risks of using an IUD include, menstrual issues, expulsion, and perforation.

According to CNS News, this is possible through the state and federal government. The Washington State public schools involved, as well as area providers like Planned Parenthood, participate in a state Medicaid program called Take Charge.

From CNS News:

In an email exchange with the Washington State Health Care Authority and, a Take Charge spokesperson acknowledged that underage students are eligible for a “full array of covered family planning services” at school-based clinics if their parents meet the program’s requirements.

Take Charge added that “a student who does not want their parents to know they are seeking reproductive health services is allowed to apply for Take Charge using their own income, and if they are insured under their parents’ plan, the insurance would not be billed.”

When asked if a sixth grader could get an IUD implanted without parental consent, Take Charge told “We encourage all Take Charge providers to offer long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) in their clinics. A young person does not need parental consent to obtain a LARC or any other contraceptive method…If the young person is not choosing abstinence, she would be able to select a LARC and have it inserted without parental consent.”

Surprisingly, kids at these schools can’t get a soda or candy bar, but they have the freedom to make such important decisions without their parents.

Those who celebrate a culture of birth control and abortion want access to your kids, and since most young girls cannot drive, establishing  these clinics in schools eliminates parental involvement.  One can see this as an effort to push parents out of the school-parent-child relationship. LARCs are an effective contraceptive method, but students AND their parents should make these decisions together, because who will stand by the young girl who receives an IUD without telling her parents and experiences a serious complication? Certainly not the media, or Planned Parenthood, or pro-choice activists.

For traditional families, it may seem as if the world is against us. ACOG, a well-respected organization, has defended abortion giant Planned Parenthood in the past, and it seems as if the government is invading every aspect of our lives.  This story stresses the importance of talking to our kids about sex, the responsibility that comes along with it, and how organizations like Planned Parenthood do not respect life and target teens for the abortion business. If our girls respect their bodies, sex, and their parents, they will stay away from these clinics.

These issues on the west coast could become reality for other parents. The  2012 piece about California schools presented a written statement by Matthew Clarke of The American Center for Law and Justice concerning Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, and public schools :

This pro-abortion law also opens the door to Planned Parenthood-run clinics in public middle schools and high schools, and specifically provides federal tax dollars to establish these clinics. ObamaCare provides grants for establishing “School-based Health Centers,” which could be run by abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood. While the law prevents these clinics from being used to “provide” abortions, it encourages groups like Planned Parenthood to make abortion referrals. The law’s stated purpose for these clinics is to provide “counseling” and “referrals,” which could include abortions and abortion related services.

Last month, Obamacare overcame a major Supreme Court hurdle, and these clinics could be coming to a school near you.

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About author

Kayla Janak
Kayla Janak 30 posts

Kayla lives in Sugarland, Texas with her husband and two children. She works as a part-time nurse anesthetist at a local hospital. Kayla is a state coordinator for SGP, and she blends her love of writing and politics as a member of the SGP Communications Team. Kayla volunteers for a Christian outreach organization and her local church. She can also be found on twitter @kjanakcrna.

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