War on Conservative Women: The Southern Poverty Law Center Places Prominent Conservative Women on anti-Muslim List

In a contentious segment on Fox News’ The Kelly File, host Megyn Kelly sparred with nationally syndicated radio host Richard Fowler over the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) decision to place some prominent conservative women on it’s “Women Against Islam” list.

As ISIS churns out one atrocious video after another, The SPLC’s quarterly publication the Intelligence Report featured the hit piece, complete with unflattering sketches and bios of conservative women like Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Brigitte Gabriel, and Pamela Geller.

The Southern Poverty Law Center once placed soft-spoken pediatric neurosurgeon and presidential contender Dr. Ben Carson on its extremist list: a move condemned by Kelly throughout the segment. Tony Perkins of The Family Research Council (FRC) also discussed his organization’s placement on the group’s hate list and the shooting that resulted from the SPLC’s reckless actions.

One would think the SPLC would tone it down after the FRC incident. Not a chance.

The debate heated up when Kelly and Fowler went head-to-head. Both talked over one another during the interview. In predictable fashion, Fowler defended the SPLC while Kelly questioned why women who stood up against radical Islam were placed on this list. Kelly said,

“This is a careless organization that cares not at all about the safety of the people it condemns, nor their reputations, nor the truth.”

Kelly also mentioned that the SPLC used Media Matters, a far-left group, and CAIR, a Hamas supporter, as sources.

While a few of these women have made controversial statements, do they deserve to be placed on such  a list?

While the SPLC focuses on conservative women, women in other parts of the world face real hate.  An advertisement surfaced explaining the details of a week-long contest to celebrate Ramadan. The top three competitors in a “Quran memorization contest” will win a sex slave, and fourth through tenth place will receive cash prizes.

How nice.

Aren’t you glad the SPLC is looking out for us?

Watch The Kelly File segment below:

Photo credit screenshot YouTube.

About author

Kayla Janak
Kayla Janak 30 posts

Kayla lives in Sugarland, Texas with her husband and two children. She works as a part-time nurse anesthetist at a local hospital. Kayla is a state coordinator for SGP, and she blends her love of writing and politics as a member of the SGP Communications Team. Kayla volunteers for a Christian outreach organization and her local church. She can also be found on twitter @kjanakcrna.

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