

The Real ‘War on Women’ (and children, and men)

This week, the UK kicked off the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, which is co-chaired by UK Foreign Secretary William Hague and actress/Special Envoy to the UN Angelina


Ukraine: Where East Meets West

On May 25th the Ukraine elected Petro Poroshenko as their new president in hopes that he could unify the country, bring an end to the violence, and steer the nation out


Hollywood Thinks Infanticide is Humorous

Infanticide (or infant homicide) is the intentional killing of infants. A more common term, abortion, is an operation to end pregnancy: an operation or other intervention to end a pregnancy by removing an


Part Two: A Step Backwards

Let’s flip the coin. We have examined the possibility that the “Gang of 5” Taliban leaders released by the Obama Administration have no connection to al Qaeda, and supposed that in that


Storming the Beaches: D-Day at 70

Today marks the 70th anniversary of D-Day, the allied invasion on the beaches of Normandy, France.  On this day in history 156,000 soldiers, sailors, and marines lead by US and UK


Work It Like A Girl: the President Gets Physical

When I first saw the article come out detailing President Obama’s workout routine as seen in a Polish gym, my immediate thought was “are we really going to make fun


Part One: A Step Backwards

It is easy to convince oneself that the world outside your borders can be ignored, but time and again the policy of isolationism has proved misguided.  History has taught us


CNN Anchor Claims FLOTUS Signed Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act Into Law

During yesterday’s edition of CNN Newsroom, anchorette Carol Costello was making remarks on the resistance to federal mandates requiring that students be served healthier food in schools. During her commentary,


Are We Seriously Having A Conversation About Paid “Menstrual Leave”?

Last week, The Atlantic re-ignited a question so many of us are NOT thinking about — should paid ‘menstrual leave’ should be a thing? Huffington Post quickly jumped on board during one of their


Happy Mother’s Day from Smart Girl Politics

Many thanks to Anna Nantz, Clickity Split Photography.