When butchers are coddled and conservatives are silent

When butchers are coddled and conservatives are silent

Planned Parenthood is in the news this week, and the abortion giant could be in big trouble.

The Center for Medical Progress released a video allegedly showing Planned Parenthood’s  senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, discussing fetal organ harvest with two undercover pro-life activists at a Los Angeles restaurant.

While munching on salad and drinking wine, Nucatola casually explained how aborted children are crushed in specific areas in order to protect the requested organs from damage.

And yes, you guessed it.  Planned Parenthood had many defenders in the media.

There are several ways to approach this story, but what is most shocking and should be addressed is Nucatola’s lack of concern for the lives she has destroyed.

Stephen Herreid of The Blaze said this:

Dr. Nucatola is also a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, whose president Cecile Richards (may she resign in shame) praises her as an “amazing” employee. And that wasn’t just a throw-away line. Richards apparently thinks highly enough of Nucatola that she has allowed her to regularly sound off on matters of contraception, miscarriages, sex, gender, abortion, and other topics in prominent publications for years—all while cannibalizing healthy unborn (and apparently partially born) infants for profit.

Here are just a few of the venues where Dr. Nucatola has been published, cited, or interviewed in the past four years alone: (emphasis mine)

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
U.S. National Library of Medicine
CBS News
Yahoo! Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Public Radio

Nucatola’s opinions and expertise matter to the right people, and her actions are justified by an adoring media and the Democratic party. That is why she can speak so calmly about abortion.

Nucatola is a typical  pro-abortion American who has embraced the lie that abortion is acceptable, even noble, and aborting pre-born children is progress. She takes a vulnerable, living human being and crushes it with a medical instrument, and her actions are deemed heroic by abortion apologists. While using ultrasound technology, she invades the warm, cozy uterine environment with cold steel and ends the baby’s life, and then goes on later to explain this procedure on video  without a shred of guilt.

 I can imagine it’s hard to believe you are an evil monster when your profession is celebrated in certain circles, you are praised in the media, and you are hailed as a warrior for women’s rights.

But am I, along with other pro-lifers, guilty of a much lesser crime?

Pregnancy crisis center volunteers should be commended for their commitment to helping women handle unexpected pregnancies. Pro-life activists’ patience and dedication should be applauded. But what about the rest of us? It takes more than these brave souls to change our culture.  What disturbs me is my own reluctance and lack of courage to take a stand. I am pro-life, but I just began to vocalize my opinions a few years ago. Our country is being flushed down the cultural toilet, and I JUST became an activist within the past five years.

I know there are others like my former self. I post political and cultural articles on Facebook, and I am lucky if I get ONE person to comment. The left is successful because they shout the loudest.  Organizations like Planned Parenthood are emboldened to push their business to the brink of darkness when they are protected by powerful people and their opposition chooses to remain silent.

Michelle Malkin asked this important question:

What kind of country do we live in where law-abiding businesses are fined, threatened and demonized for refusing to bake gay wedding cakes, but barbaric baby butchers are hailed by feminists, Hollywood and a president who asked God to “bless” them?

It’s an excellent question, but Malkin misses one point. Leftists celebrate abortion, but the rest of us have allowed our country to deteriorate. When godless people rule the day, it’s up to good and decent Americans to speak the truth. I can forgive myself and maybe Dr. Nucatola too. This story will make me a better activist and I hope it motivates others to become more involved, but what will become of Nucatola?

Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director who established And Then There Were None, a non-profit organization founded to help people escape the abortion industry,wrote a piece addressed to Nucatola. She writes:

I understand the world you live in. I understand the blindness. I don’t think you are an evil person. I wasn’t an evil person. But just like I was, you are gravely misguided. I want you to know that I care about you. I have seen the things being said about you. I have seen the hate and vile comments about you. Seeing those things being said about you is honestly heartbreaking for me. I can’t imagine what you are feeling right now. I understand how hurtful people can be. I still receive comments like that sometimes.

But I am not one of those people. And no one involved in our organization, And Then There Were None, sees you as an evil person. We care about you. We want you to find peace. We want you to find true happiness. We know that won’t happen as long as you are involved in Planned Parenthood. We believe that your life matters. We believe that your life holds infinite value and worth. You matter to us. As hard as I fight to save unborn babies, I fight just as hard to save people like you from the grips of the abortion industry.

I hope there is room in this story for forgiveness. Maybe abortion providers are just like sex industry workers: strongly influenced by others and unaware of  their own moral shortcomings. I pity Dr. Deborah Nucatola, but I will also pray for her. Only God’s grace and love can change her heart.  If she ever steps away from Planned Parenthood, her actions will come crashing down on her heart, mind, and soul, and God help her when that happens.

See the video here:

Image courtesy of www.webmd.com

About author

Kayla Janak
Kayla Janak 30 posts

Kayla lives in Sugarland, Texas with her husband and two children. She works as a part-time nurse anesthetist at a local hospital. Kayla is a state coordinator for SGP, and she blends her love of writing and politics as a member of the SGP Communications Team. Kayla volunteers for a Christian outreach organization and her local church. She can also be found on twitter @kjanakcrna.

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