Tag "feminism"


This is what a feminist [Halloween costume] looks like

With the arrival of October, the hunt for the perfect Halloween costume begins.


Chrissie Hynde bashes pop culture’s idea of feminism

Earlier this week Chrissie Hynde sat down with BBC’s Woman’s Hour and suggested that scantily clad female pop stars are sending the wrong message about sex and are bad for feminism.


People offend me, ban people

Our nation is full of people who are offended so easily, and lack any type of backbone whatsoever, that the only way to move on in this country is to ban people


So You Want to Be a Woman?

As a libertarian leaning woman, the world of the modern liberal ‘feminist’ (hereafter known as lib-fems) really mystifies me.


You can now sleep at night, ladies, Facebook has finally redesigned the offensive “friends” icon

Simmer down ladies, you can rest easy tonight. The problem has been remedied.


The Glass Ceiling Has Already Been Broken

Don’t stay on this side of your dreams for fear of an imaginary barrier.


Taxpayer funded women’s studies professor advocated for ‘men control’

Meet Ashwini Tambe. She’s the Associate Professor in the Department of Women’s Studies and the Editorial Director of the journal Feminist Studies at the University of Maryland.


Ban Term “You Guys?” Thanks, Feminism

Just when I think I’ve read every liberal proposal to change our culture, I find this little gem, brought to us by radical feminism: Jeneé Desmond-Harris of Vox.com recently wrote


Amanda Marcotte: Destroying feminism one post at a time

Amanda Marcotte’s toxic attitude towards men, children, and even other women is ruining feminism.


Feminist High Schooler Makes Waves

A California high school senior’s yearbook quote has gone viral after her message sparked much support from feminists around the country…

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