People offend me, ban people

Our nation is full of people who are offended so easily, and lack any type of backbone whatsoever, that the only way to move on in this country is to ban people so we don’t hurt any other wimp’s feelings ever again.

Okay, that may be harsh, but the level of offense that so many wusses take to things and their notion that everyone around them should care that they are  offended is, not only staggering, but annoying as hell. So since everyone and their brother is offended by anything that one could possibly dream of, I’ve decided to compile my own list of what makes me ever so offended, or whatever.

Radical Feminists

There is not enough time in the day to go through the items that offend these crazies. Anything that moves pretty much gets this bunch going. Recently, they have been obsessed over talking about their menstrual cycles as if they are the only women who, in the history of human kind, has ever had one. They call it the “Free Bleeding” movement. You see, feminine hygiene products are “man made” items invented to make females feel dirty about their periods or something. Again, like all those who offend so easily, these feminists believe that the world revolves around their feelings. Why on earth would someone have to be subjected to another person’s bodily fluids in the name of activism? Did it ever cross their minds that one person should not have to sit at a restaurant table or on a bus where a Free Bleeder made their mark? It’s all about them! All others who don’t want to touch someone else’s blood be damned.

Oh, and there is a new race card that feminists like to play and they call it “White Feminism.” If you would like for your IQ to drop please watch this video posted by a few crazies, I mean super serious journalists, at HuffPost Women.

Race Baiters

If you race baiting lunatics think for one minute I am going to allow anyone make my children feel guilty because they are white, you have another thing coming. There are zero laws in this country that give Caucasians precedence over other races when it comes to employment, credit approval, college entry or anything for that matter. Do you even know what kind of bank race baiters bring in keeping us pissed off at each other? Oh, and take your “white privilege” hashtag and shove it where the sun don’t shine. By the way, #AllLivesMatter, not just those who are black. You want to end oppression and racial divide?  Stop voting democrat.  Anyone who attacks another or feels they deserve special treatment based on skin color can go to hell.

People who cried over the death of a lion that they never heard of until it was shot by a dentist.

Here is a piece that was featured in the NY Times that should put a few things into prospective. I understand that there will be people who feel that they know better than some one who actually lived in Zimbabwe, so to them all I have to say is, “get over yourselves.”

Politicians and Government Worshippers

Pretty much all politicans up and down the political spectrum have made some sort of gain by contorting our political system. Okay, maybe not all of them, but far too many. Thank goodness for whistleblowers, that are actually attacked by politicians and government worshippers, who try to bring us the facts on the corruption that occurs.

Government corruption runs deeply with both parties. Politicians lie to us on a daily basis. They pass legislation that they never read and award those who are the highest bidders for political favoritism. Why anyone would treat any of these elitist snobs as if they are some sort of rock star is beyond me. These are people who should be questioned with boldness. Our Federal government has put its people in over $18 trillion of debt and yet some still look to this entity as if they are some beacon of hope that will solve all of our woes. Are you kidding me? Almost everything the government touches turns to crap, but some how all the bureaucrats that make up our nations bloated, incompetent government have all the answers? Unbelievable. In fact, the best they can come up with is to take money from one person and give it to another. Such creative genius there!

Closing Note

To the people who may be offended by my article or anything that moves, please remember that you have this fantastic attribute that comes with being an American called “Free Will.” So I am actually going to give you the advice that a mother attending a New York City Pride March gave to some people who were offended by her son marching and dancing in the parade. “If you’re offended, don’t look.” See how easy that is? Now do us all a favor and grow up. The world isn’t full of sunshine daydreams and lollipop forests. Stop being whiny cry babies and do something constructive with the limited time we have on this earth.








About author

Brandi Frey
Brandi Frey 7 posts

Brandi Frey is part owner of a family ran Plastics Recycling and Compounding company. She lives in Ohio with her husband and two sons. Follow Brandi on twitter @BrandiFrey.

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