Is politics consuming you?

Is politics consuming you?

I have a love/hate relationship with politics on social media. I appreciate that so many of us have an outlet where we can connect and discuss topics that are close to our hearts. It is truly amazing that I have personally developed many relationships with people who care so deeply about the future of our country. These people span the political spectrum. Even if I do not agree with a certain direction some may like to see the country steered, I have the utmost respect that they are involved in the political process. Considering that, I wholeheartedly agree with Ayn Rand’s philosophy that ‘there is no smaller minority than the individual.” It is imperative that we form our own opinions and navigate our lives how we see fit.

I do fear that the political atmosphere is completely capable of eating away our souls. Political gambits rely on everyone being on high emotional alert. It’s why we see the idea that democrat voters are “lazy” and republican voters are “greedy” all over social media. The ridiculous memes generated by people who hide behind a veil that pretty much feasts on economic ineptitude and  personal vulnerabilities are a plague. Unfortunately, politics isn’t about rational decision making anymore. It has turned into an ugly beast that becomes stronger with the growing divide of the American people. Once people are pissed off enough, rational thought is out the door, and our media and political class not only know this, but they depend on it.

This was apparent in both the Republican and Democrat debates. On one side we had the democrats promising everything under the sun without any thought about the economics behind their bribes, and on the other, a stage full Republicans attacking one another — fueled by the pure emotion of the American people and beautifully puppeteered by elitist main stream media.

If you want to be an informed voter, you have to possess the ability to apply common sense to things that are said by people who hold political power. For example, when you hear the DNC Chairwoman say that Republicans want to kick women out of the country, pause for a second and ask yourself, “is this what is happening or is it a desperate attempt by some elitist to hold onto power that she will say anything to keep it?” Or if you hear a Republican try to explain what legitimate rape is, ask yourself, “Does the word NO suddenly have a different meaning or is this guy trying to pander to a certain faction of his political party?” Pausing for a moment and considering will do wonders, and really, it’s the only weapon we have to combat the idiocy that has become American politics.

The American people are perpetually led around by the nose by forces that demand not only our constant attention, but the ability to influence or sway our opinions. Whether it is a 24-hour-news cycle or social media, we are bombarded with suggestions on how and what we must think, all based around a fulcrum of emotion. Facts do not matter anymore when it comes to our country’s elite. American statists will ban, regulate, dictate, confiscate, and tax anything that gives the average citizen an upper hand against tyranny and then turn around and  perpetuate anger until we are all submissive to our almighty god — err, the Government. If that isn’t bad enough, they then expect to be thanked for it. And, the damnedest thing is,  some people do it. Onward comrades!

Thomas Paine once stated that, “The most formidable weapon against errors or every kind is reason.” In our world, where so much information — whether it be true or false — is so easily accessible and run by far too many who desire power, we need reason more than ever. The Government is our servant, not the other way around. (Maybe I should put that on a meme.)

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About author

Brandi Frey
Brandi Frey 7 posts

Brandi Frey is part owner of a family ran Plastics Recycling and Compounding company. She lives in Ohio with her husband and two sons. Follow Brandi on twitter @BrandiFrey.

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