

‘The View’ Hosts Share Their Presidential Sexual Preferences

Did you get all hot and bothered when Bernie Sanders declared that “the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails” when Hillary was asked about them?


Bill Clinton is right. We can’t insult our way to the White House

Insults and hate won’t get us to the White House. It’s time to for us to be a light in the darkness


Obama’s Iran Deal: Legacy Gone Wrong

President Obama is having a legacy crisis. Every time he presents the nation with a grand achievement the Republicans keep trying to take it away from him, or so he would like you to believe.


The Burning Bush Question

The support and organization being amassed by Jeb Bush is not to be underestimated.


Immigration: Our Founders Were Right

Many topics will dominate this presidential election cycle, yet nothing stirs emotions on either side quite like the national discussion on immigration.


Dr. Ben Carson wants to leave no doubt where he stands on the matter of faith

As the nation mourns the loss of the victims killed in the shooting that took place in Roseburg, Oregon yesterday, reports have become quite clear that the shooter — who


This Mother Took One of the Largest Unions to the Supreme Court — And Won

Imagine going about your everyday life, taking care of your disabled son, when one Sunday morning you get a knock on the door and find two SEIU representatives on your front doorstep.


Rubio Riding the Waves Under the Radar

Despite losing some popularity, Rubio is seen as a strong contender in the current race for the Republican nomination and his conservative stances and his desire to rebuild America, and the GOP, could prove to be just the right combination for the ticket.


The Economics of the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Emaciated children, downtrodden women crying, demoralized men staring off into a hopeless distance…We’ve all seen the pictures of the Syrian refugees plastered over the news in the past few weeks.