

The Battlefield of Fundraising

The mid-term elections are now less than a week away, and for all the talk about serious issues facing the nation, research still suggests that elections come down to two


It’s Time For Democrats To Examine Their Own Party

Militant and fascist. Those two adjectives describe the modern Democratic Party. By now you have heard of the battle in Houston between Annise Parker, the city’s first openly gay mayor,  and local


Elections Should be About Issues, Not Insults

The midterm elections are now less than a month away, and I am the least excited I have ever been.  I won’t say this election is the most important in


Losing Ground Globally

Recently the Argentine President, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, remarked to the press that the United States was out to kill her.  This past summer, Iraq began a decent into anarchy

Health and Fitness

Ten Lessons I Learned From The Ultimate Cancer Warrior

It’s October again, and time to not only bring awareness to breast cancer, but honor the women who have died from this terrible disease. In May, my best friend Melissa


Target Goes Political Again, Releases Controversial Lesbian Ad

I adore Target. The closest one is about fifteen minutes from my house, and I shop there at least once every other day or so. I routinely stop in for


If Girls Want To Be Treated Equally, Then We Need To Man Up and Quit Being So Sensitive All The Time

Girls, girls, girls. Seriously. We want men to treat us like equals, I get that. I’m fortunate that I’ve only had a few of those rare experiences in my life