Americans United for Separation of Church and State launches new campaign to undermine religious freedom

Americans United for Separation of Church and State launches new campaign to undermine religious freedom

Dear fellow Christians, get ready for war.

There are efforts to not only divide Christians, but trample on our individual freedoms.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State just launched a new campaign called “Protect Thy Neighbor,” complete with all the emotional trappings, assumptions, and contradictions progressives love to use to squash liberty.

From the groups website:

Americans United for Separation of Church and State today unveiled an aggressive, multi-pronged initiative to fight the growing idea that “religious freedom” gives people a right to thwart marriage equality for LGBT Americans, deny women access to reproductive care and use taxpayer dollars to discriminate.

The group’s executive director Rev. Barry W. Lynn said this:

“Some people want to convert the crucial principle of religious freedom into a license to discriminate against others and deny Americans essential services,”

He continued:

“That’s a corruption of a noble concept, and we don’t intend to stand for it.”

And he goes on:

“The idea of treating your neighbor with love and respect runs through every major religion and secular philosophy,”

and on:

“But too often, the message of the Religious Right and its theological and political allies is the opposite: They look for ways to take away the rights of their fellow citizens.”

The organization will focus on combating religious freedom legislation through lobbying efforts,    initiating lawsuits against legislation that protects business owners and government employees from participating in same-sex ceremonies or supplying abortifacients,  and distributing educational material to the public.

Lynn also said:

“Protect Thy Neighbor is a direct challenge to the narrow and exclusionary view of those who would assail the rights of others under the guise of ‘religious freedom.’ I invite all Americans of goodwill, religious and non-religious, to join us in protecting your neighbors from the harm caused by that misguided vision.”

The message is clear.

WE, Americans United For Separation of Church and State and our friends and supporters, are enlightened progressives allowed to conduct our lives in absolute freedom while you, small, feeble-minded, right-wing Christians, can do what you like within the four walls of your home and church but not in public.

While they speak of “those who would assail the rights of others” do not mind trampling on YOUR rights.

This organization does not state how it will distinguish between genuine and false religious liberty claims. To clarify,  how can an  organization defined by “separation”  actually separate those with malice in their hearts  from those who wish to remain faithful to Christ’s teachings? They can’t. They assume every single religious person who condemns same-sex marriage and abortion is a religious fanatic grounded in hate, and those people must be punished. Conservative Christians are perceived as dangerous and and a threat.

The group also fails to mention if  any non-Christian religious groups will be targeted by this campaign.

Gay rights won in court last month, but that is not enough. ALL Christians must be forced to comply. Devout Christians would rather die than submit to the State, and this fact is lost on this group.  They will never “win,” no matter how aggressive this campaign gets.

We should champion unity, but with organizations who voice a desire to balance LGBT rights and religious freedom, and this organization is not one of them. This group has a right to take a stand, but so do we.

Christians, I beg you, if you value your freedoms and wish to pass on to your children the same America you inherited, keyboard activism will not suffice. This effort is one among many to destroy Christianity by people who worship a different god. Persecution isn’t accomplished by gun or sword but by legislation, cultural indoctrination, and courtroom battles. Our passion for Christ must not be overshadowed by their passion for secularism.

Check it out here:

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About author

Kayla Janak
Kayla Janak 30 posts

Kayla lives in Sugarland, Texas with her husband and two children. She works as a part-time nurse anesthetist at a local hospital. Kayla is a state coordinator for SGP, and she blends her love of writing and politics as a member of the SGP Communications Team. Kayla volunteers for a Christian outreach organization and her local church. She can also be found on twitter @kjanakcrna.

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