Pillaging The Duggars

Friday, June 5th, Megyn Kelly interviewed Jill and Jessa Duggar and gave voice to two victims of liberal slander and calculated left-wing political activism. Victims of sexual battery, the two young, beautiful women have been caught up in the torrents of media bile flowing out of the sludge factory that is commonly called “the news.” Every major news outlet has covered the Josh Duggar story, and most have reported on the incident with a thinly veiled glee. The barely circulated and tawdry rag In Touch Weekly publicly exposed the Duggar girls by publishing the offense report related to Josh Duggar’s indiscretions in a crass and calloused piece that would have made any Big Foot chasing tabloid blush.

Any sophisticated society would relegate In Touch Weekly to the bottom of cat litter boxes where it would serve a more constructive purpose by soaking up urine. Unlike the cheap and salacious fantasies normally found in tabloids, In Touch Weekly made merchandise of a real story, young girls, and their very real feelings of humiliation. Of course, the liberal news, media, and entertainment complex doesn’t really care about this brazen abuse of little girls, because the victims happen to be Christians and Christianity must, at all costs, be destroyed. Liberal fanatics are bent upon destroying the linch pin of the civil society, little girls and their mortifying experience be damned.

This story isn’t really about Josh Duggar because, in this instance, he doesn’t matter. Josh Duggar’s actions are old news both to him, his family, and his victims. It was a past long settled and buried by forgiveness and adjudication. This slanderous episode is really about politics and a rampaging LGBT lobby bent on asserting its agenda of sexual deviance. The irony is so thick it’s cloying.

In Touch Weekly is guilty of pedophilia by proxy and is guilty of a monstrous crime more heinous, by far, than the indiscretions of an adolescent Josh Duggar. This publication and its source, Springdale Chief of Police Kathy O’Kelly, ought to be catalogued on a sexual predator’s list of public opinion and driven into the shadows of ignoble obscurity after suffering the full extent of judicial remedies offered by civil and criminal courts of law. Within the context of equity, the barely viable magazine and the corpulent O’Kelly are accessories after the fact, having amplified the feelings of shame suffered by the victims of Josh’s curiosity.

In all of the public debate about this incident, the only perspective that really matters is that of the victims. Jill and Jessa both expressed, in unequivocal terms, that their desire was for this incident to remain in the past and under seal. Both girls worked through the complex feelings of victimization through forgiveness and with the assistance of professional counsel. They defended their brother Josh and characterized the media coverage of the incident as riddled with inaccuracies and falsehoods. But, the salient point highlighted by Megyn Kelly’s interview is the impact of the reckless media exposure on Jill and Jessa. In a poignant moment, Jessa stated that the media attacks and spurious allegations were “a thousand times worse” than the original incident.

But the “compassionate” left is uniformly silent when two women are brutalized in orders of magnitude greater than the trauma inflicted by the original incident. Where are the women’s organizations that purportedly exist to protect the interests of women? Where are the organizations that exist to protect the rights of victims?

Sadly, the insensitivity and hostility is not just limited to leftist operatives. During a Hannity segment immediately following Megyn Kelly’s interview, Dr. Keith Ablow demonstrated his disdain for how the Duggars choose to live their lives, for their faith, and for choosing to avail themselves of pastoral and counseling services offered by “non-professionals.” During a heated exchange, Dr. Ablow ranted that public interest is better served by making public the actions of a fourteen year old Josh Duggar. In addition, he demeaned the “church,” citing the poor record of ecclesiastics in dealing with sexual abuse. A rather bizarre criticism coming from someone engaged in a profession rife with incidents of improper conduct with patients. Doctors in some hospitals even now prescribe hormone treatments to juveniles who “identify” as transgender. Dr. Ablow’s colleagues are practicing as modern day Dr. Frankensteins, shaping children into monstrosities of psychosis and mutilation. Additionally, Dr. Ablow’s criticism rings hollow in light of the oedipal fixations of one of the deities of psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud. No small wonder, that people of faith don’t immediately seek the counsel of those accredited by the practitioners of a junk science barely one degree removed from boggle-eyed tribal witch doctors, gesticulating in a wild fever while hurling rocks at an evil moon.

For those who mock the notion that Christians are under assault by statist progressives, they need only reference the brutalizationn of Jill and Jessa Duggar. Thankfully, several other victims have remained anonymous. Though Jill and Jessa decided to speak out, they felt that their hand was forced by the public pillorying of their brother and were compelled by feelings of outrage that sealed documents were exposed by a vindictive Kathy O’Kelly and by a predatory media.

However, this treatment isn’t reserved only for Christians but for anyone with the temerity to oppose the leftist destruction of faith and family that are the superstructure of liberty. What should be clear to everyone is that, for progressives, nothing — absolutely nothing — matters except politics and agenda. These are soulless cretans, who feign compassion, sophistication, and intelligence, but are in fact, merely servants of a master whose only motive is the aggregation of power and the subjection of all people under the statist heel.

About author

John Nantz
John Nantz 5 posts

John Nantz is a graduate of Bob Jones University and of Regent University School of Law. He has served in the law enforcement community for 17 years. Hobbies include hiking, martial arts, reading, and firearms. Mr. Nantz is also a Townhall.com columnist where he has written extensively on political, legal, and social issues. Instagram: @thejohnnantz

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