Bernie Sanders: Let’s Investigate Those “D*mn Emails”

Bernie Sanders: Let’s Investigate Those “D*mn Emails”

Ever wonder if politicians really mean what they say? Me neither; we all know that most will say whatever they can to get elected. It is always fun, however, to watch politicians make a strong statement and then qualify it away. I like to mentally wave at them as they pass by.

My most recent mental waving happened when I read that Bernie Sanders has now declared that he never meant to imply that the Clinton email scandal wasn’t worth investigating. Never mind that during the first presidential debate he made headlines with the statement that the American people (that would be you and me) are tired of hearing about Clinton’s “d*mn emails.” In his recent Wall Street Journal interview, he backtracked that statement into oblivion.

According to dear old Bernie what he really meant to say was, “There’s an investigation going on right now. I did not say, ‘End the investigation.’ That’s silly… Let the investigation proceed unimpeded.” I guess this means they can investigate her all they want, he just doesn’t want to hear about it.

This shift, while not unexpected, is interesting in light of recent rumors that the FBI has enough evidence to charge Hillary with grossly negligent mishandling of classified information and multiple counts of obstruction of justice. Bernie had to go on record stating that he thought it was worth investigating or he would look complicit in the democrat cover up of her criminal activities (not that this statement will convince any informed person that he isn’t).

Real Clear Politics polls show that dear old Bernie is now at a consistent 30+ percent. This puts him in a strong position to be the democrat candidate if 1) Hillary is charged and 2) if Joe Biden continues to refuse to run. I don’t know about you, but I will certainly keep Bernie on my radar for the next few months. If he were to win the democrat nomination, we would have an avowed socialist as the leading light of the Democrat party and a man who believes the following one step from our White House.

  •  “Wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time . . .”
  •  Health care is a right of citizenship: “Guaranteeing healthcare as a right of citizenship by enacting a Medicare for all single-payer healthcare system. It’s time for the U.S. to join every major industrialized country on earth and provide universal healthcare to all.”
  •  Free College tuition would be “fully paid for by imposing a tax of a fraction of a percent on Wall Street speculators who nearly destroyed the economy seven years ago.”
  •  Our greatest national security threat is climate change: “The scientific community is telling us that if we do not address the global crisis of climate change, transform our energy system away from fossil fuel to sustainable energy, the planet that we’re going to be leaving our kids and our grandchildren may well not be habitable. That is a major crisis.”
  •  The purpose of voter ID laws is to suppress the minority community not protect the democratic process: “In the shameful days of open segregation, “literacy” laws were used to suppress minority voting. Today, through other laws and actions — such as requiring voters to show photo ID, discriminatory drawing of Congressional districts, not allowing early registration or voting, and purging voter rolls —states are taking steps which have a similar effect.”
  • LGBT equality trumps religious rights: Bernie promises to “veto any legislation that purports to “protect” religious liberty at the expense of others’ rights.”

Out of the mouths of old men – wait, that’s not the saying, is it? Let me remind you that this man is polling at 30%. In other words, 30% of the Democrats questioned see this man as the best candidate to lead our country. I don’t know about you, but that number utterly. Terrifies. Me.

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About author

Diana McCauley
Diana McCauley 5 posts

Diana McCauley works for a fortune 500 company as a Tech Writer during the day and writes freelance articles the rest of the time. She has a Master's degree from Regent University in Government and holds Master's certificates in Terrorism/Homeland Defense and Middle Eastern Politics. She lives in Virginia Beach, VA with her husband Erik and mischievous cat Freya. To find out more go to and follow her on Twitter.

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